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David's erotic career started with a scene in which a girl fucked him with a strap-on. And he kinda liked it. Since then, he leads a fun and wild bisexual sex life, including a lot of photo-shoots and videos. He started thinking about a serious career only recently, and that's what brought him here and on to our White Couch. And he really rocked it hard, so to say… Check David out!

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This week we welcomed a young, bisexual athlete Honza who would like to become a sex symbol and become famous in the area of erotica. We have to admire his advantages – his body and the size of his cock, and agree that he has what it takes. You can also be charmed by the magical tattoo he has on his pneumatic and tanned body. You should definitely find some time and decide for yourself whether his dreams can come true and whether he could become a real star in sex, a star that will shine bright in the sky… Have fun!

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Honza is a young bisexual with perfect body and he likes martial arts. In the future he would like to work in erotica and he wants to become a well-known porn actor. He showed us some tricks from boxing and many other piquant things that will make you sweat and won’t let you cool down. And by the way, his ass is just !!!! Check for yourself!

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